Your Best Non-Writing Writing Tool


I have pens, highlighters and notebooks galore. But I recently made a non-writing purchase that I’m really excited about: a music stand.

Woman holding a pencil to her chin and looking thoughtfully at the pages on her music stand

Pensive Conductor from Microsoft Clipart

Yes, a music stand. My desk is narrow and cluttered. It’s also a paper magnet. Whenever I clean it, BAM, I turn around and it’s covered in stacks of edits or mail.

I write on a laptop, so there are times I write on the couch instead of the desk. But neither of these set ups are conducive to entering edits because there’s no place to put my binder of edits.

Music stand to the rescue. Portable from desk to couch, adjustable for height and angle, a lip that’s large enough to hold a binder and highlighter…this thing is amazing! I’m so happy…perhaps a little too giddy about it.

Have you repurposed a non-writing item to make your writing time more productive?

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