Feeling Lazy


Part of this new plotting the story first thing that I’m trying requires a lot of thinking. A lot. And it’s making me feel lazy because I’m not doing anything. If I were pantsing, as it were, I’d at least be writing while thinking ahead. I’d have something to show for it at the end of the day.

I have the bulletin board to put scenes, but once I’ve written “Wendy flies to NoWherastan – should I call it Neverneverland?” that’s it. I’m on to thinking about what happens when Wendy gets where she’s going. No describing the flight or the feeling of flying or her flight suit. Just staring into the black abyss. I’m frozen. My fingers get itchy.

I went to writer’s group empty-handed because I can’t show up with index cards and ask them what they think.

I really want to start writing! *Breathe* OK, I am going to continue this plotting experiment a little longer, because the payout maybe worth it. I do find myself stumbling on the same points I do when I’m writing by the seat of my pants, so I can see how figuring it out now will save me time and frustration in the long run…but I’d love to hear some encouraging words from the plotters out there.

4 thoughts on “Feeling Lazy

    • Good question. All the reasons are mine…not group rules or anything. I prefer to show something a little more substantial…something with a definite end point in mind so that they can tell me if I’m achieving my goals. I don’t want a story by committee. “Oh, you should do this or that.”

      I feel an outline is both too much and too little. It’s the entire story rather than a single scene…that’s a lot to comment on. At the same time, there is very little detail to react to. If someone told me the outline of “Star Wars,” I might just shrug my shoulders. “Eh, what’s the bar scene really add?”

      Have you ever taken an outline into a writer’s group? I’d love to know your experience. You could persuade me…

      • I don’t think I’ve personally taken an outline or diagram to a writer’s group, but other members of my group have brought them, and I’ve co-written stories before where occasionally we outlined or wrote a summary, then showed it to our partner to discuss.

        You won’t get feedback on the whole thing. You can get feedback on a narrow aspect of the planning that’s been troubling you. For example, if you are outlining and stuck on, “Is X the more logical way to continue the story, or Y?” Or “Would this story be better written in first or third person?” You can get knowledgeable feedback.

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